Friday, September 12, 2014

Thursday, September 11 2014; Thursday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 440

Reading 1
1 cor 8:1b-7, 11-13

Brothers and sisters:
Knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up.
If anyone supposes he knows something,
he does not yet know as he ought to know.
But if one loves God, one is known by him.

So about the eating of meat sacrificed to idols:
we know that there is no idol in the world,
and that there is no God but one.
Indeed, even though there are so-called gods in heaven and on earth
(there are, to be sure, many “gods” and many “lords”),
yet for us there is 

one God, the Father,
from whom all things are and for whom we exist,
and one Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom all things are and through whom we exist.

But not all have this knowledge.
There are some who have been so used to idolatry up until now
that, when they eat meat sacrificed to idols,
their conscience, which is weak, is defiled.

Thus, through your knowledge, the weak person is brought to destruction,
the brother for whom Christ died.
When you sin in this way against your brothers
and wound their consciences, weak as they are,
you are sinning against Christ.
Therefore, if food causes my brother to sin,
I will never eat meat again,
so that I may not cause my brother to sin.

Responsorial Psalm
ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 23-24

R. (24b) Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.

O LORD, you have probed me and you know me;
you know when I sit and when I stand;
you understand my thoughts from afar.
My journeys and my rest you scrutinize,
with all my ways you are familiar.

R. Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.

Truly you have formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother’s womb.
I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made;
wonderful are your works.

R. Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.

Probe me, O God, and know my heart;
try me, and know my thoughts;
See if my way is crooked,
and lead me in the way of old.

R. Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.

lk 6:27-38

Jesus said to his disciples:
“To you who hear I say, love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you,
pray for those who mistreat you.
To the person who strikes you on one cheek,
offer the other one as well,
and from the person who takes your cloak,
do not withhold even your tunic.
Give to everyone who asks of you,
and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
For if you love those who love you,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners love those who love them.
And if you do good to those who do good to you,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners do the same.
If you lend money to those from whom you expect repayment,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners lend to sinners,
and get back the same amount. 
But rather, love your enemies and do good to them,
and lend expecting nothing back;
then your reward will be great
and you will be children of the Most High,
for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.
Be merciful, just as also your Father is merciful.

“Stop judging and you will not be judged.
Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.
Forgive and you will be forgiven.
Give and gifts will be given to you;
a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing,
will be poured into your lap.
For the measure with which you measure
will in return be measured out to you.”

SOURCE: One Bread One Body

"When you sin thus against your brothers and wound their weak consciences, you are sinning against Christ." –1 Corinthians 8:12

Today's first reading teaches about giving up your personal freedoms for the good of the rest of the members of the Body of Christ. One aspect of personal liberty which needs to be submitted to the will of God is modesty in dress. Do we dress our way or God's way?

Jesus "dresses down" in the Eucharist. He humbly appears as bread. If He appeared in His full glory, we would catch on fire and melt. Many young women, and some older ones, often dress in such a way that men catch on fire and melt. It's especially a problem when a female dresses immodestly in Church. Young and old men who come to a holy place to try to grow in holiness are instead tempted to catch fire and burn (see 1 Cor 7:9) – at the very place where they shouldn't have to be anxious about being tempted.

Women of Christ, your adornment should not be an external one but rather an internal one (see 1 Pt 3:3ff). Make sure that you don't become a stumbling block to any member of the Body of Christ (1 Cor 8:9). Immodest dress, especially in Church, undermines the atmosphere of holiness in the house of God as He brings His family together.

Jesus' body is presented humbly at Mass. Let us likewise present our bodies humbly and simply to Him. Let us do all we do, including clothing ourselves, for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, You are my Master (Rm 14:7). This is my body, to be given up for You.

PROMISE: "Be compassionate, as your Father is compassionate." –Lk 6:36

PRAISE: Melissa coordinates fashion shows which model modest yet fashionable women's clothing, so that her teenage daughters and other young women will be encouraged to dress modestly.

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